When Our Business Choices Impact Everyone

Why Catawater® Makes All the Difference

We all want to make an impact on our customers because a business is about making money. But it also is an opportunity to choose a methodology that positively shapes the world around us. Oilfield wastewater injection is a controversial practice, as it has lasting ramifications on the environment.

Our business choices impact everyone, not just our customers. That's why Catawater® products make all the difference. Find out more www.catawater.com.

How It Works
By injecting high-pressure fluid (including water, sand, and chemicals) into an underground formation, the potential fissures can allow the contaminated wastewater to travel to the surface. Additionally, compromised well integrity can allow wastewater to escape into unintended areas and impact groundwater and aquifers.

Our business choices impact everyone, not just our customers. That's why Catawater® products make all the difference. Find out more www.catawater.com.
A diagram showing crude oil recovery. CO2 and water are pumped through an injection well into the oil reservoir, the oil is then extracted through a production pump.

How Does that Impact Us?
The downside is that injecting harmful chemicals into the ground may at minimum impact local water supplies, but most alarmingly, it can potentially cause earthquakes. This is evident by the rising number of earthquakes in locations nationwide where injection occurs, but which never were known to experience earthquakes before these activities occurred.

Our business choices impact everyone, not just our customers. That's why Catawater® products make all the difference. Find out more www.catawater.com.

What Else?
Fracking is another concern. Because fracking requires large amounts of water, it depletes natural water resources at a significant environmental cost. If these practices are not regulated, and if those injectable fluids are not safe for consumption (and they never will be), then substantial pollution incidents can occur.

Our business choices impact everyone, not just our customers. That's why Catawater® products make all the difference. Find out more www.catawater.com.

What Can We Do?
Therefore, recycling should be the preferred method of produced water management. Because it keeps the required amount of water to produce oil and natural gas within the industry – not in the environment.

How Does Catawater Make All the Difference?
Here’s where Catawater® products can change the way produced water is managed and clean up the environment. Catawater is an organic biocatalyst. No harmful chemicals are utilized in its production, and it eliminates harmful contaminants, so recycling is safer for the environment.

Our business choices impact everyone, not just our customers. That's why Catawater® products make all the difference. Find out more www.catawater.com.
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What Else Can Catawater Do?
Catawater products also make engineered recycling solutions more efficient. This reduces costs for the producer who may be considering recycling as opposed to disposal by injection.

Our business choices impact everyone, not just our customers. That's why Catawater® products make all the difference. Find out more www.catawater.com.
Find out all about Catawater. Watch the video here!

Take Action
It’s that simple. How could you pass up such an effortless, cost-effective solution? Talk to an expert now to find out how Catawater can benefit your business efforts. And keep our environment safe.  

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