Sage Natural Resources

Crown-Riley Hydrocarbon Release

Crown-Riley Hydrocarbon Release

Executive Summary

Spur Environmental Services (SPUR) thanks Sage Natural Resources (SAGE) for the opportunity to perform the Environmentally Non-Disruptive Hydrocarbon Remediation at the Crown-Riley Project (“Project”) location. These specialty projects fall under the auspice of our “Green Earth Projects” which uses SPUR’s cutting-edge proprietary treatment application and a biocatalyst that accelerates reaction rates of naturally occurring processes, thus allowing for an organic and harmonized environmental restoration of a once compromised location.


SPUR is partnered with Catawater HHO, LLC (“CATAWATER”), a proprietary catalyst that allows your site to remain in-tact while providing restorative services to remediate contaminated soils without the destructive impact of a typical mechanical dig and haul operation. This cutting edge approach enables the accelerated destruction of Oils and NaCl, based entirely on natural extracts that function in synergistic association with microorganisms, natural elements and natural processes in the environment to accelerate the contaminate elimination in such functions as in situ bioremediation, which not only repairs but regenerates your site.

Our certified and trained chemical engineers assess the unique environmental composition of the site, while evaluating the compromising breach, as well as the most efficient application of the patented product to restore the site to the optimal natural state. The team that works on these projects has direct experience in managing and performing Environmental work for large E&P Companies across multiple locations such as in the Barnett Shale, Permian Basin, and Bakken Shale Play in the recent past. This team is inclusive of Environmental Chemists, Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians who work toward one goal – Renewing the Earth through the Synergy of Nature and Technology.


This report is a concise accounting of the work performed and the successful outcomes. SPUR has worked within an execution plan depicting our structure for the full remediation and project acceptance of the Sage Natural Resources – Crown-Riley Hydrocarbon Release Project. This comprehensive execution plan identifies the sequential steps of the process from pre-analysis, catalyst dilution rates, application, post analysis and Project closure. The holistic and tailored approach we of combining proprietary cutting-edge technology with highly skilled and trained application and analytical professionals yield a result that is truly amazing. We look forward to our continued successful partnership.

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Execution Plan

Project Start Date: 04/26/2019

Project Completion Date: 06/10/2019

E&P Contact: Name: Ryan Burson

Site Name: Crown-Riley

Spill Type: Hydrocarbon

Contaminate: BTEX – Benzene


One of the keys to success in any project is communication as well as organized and effective completion. Therefore, SPUR remains easily accessible via phone and email, but we also provide daily and bi-weekly schedule updates to ensure operational transparency and to fully manage and complete the project in a timely and accurate fashion. Additionally, SPUR’s Project Manager will hold daily, on-site Schedule discussions with the various management teams to best schedule work, which allows for optimal, timely and efficient coordination between various groups on site.


Site Arrival and Incident Scene Protocol

Upon notification from SAGE of the Hydrocarbon Release, SPUR deployed a team of personnel who implemented our Hazmat Incident Scene Layout Protocol which includes facility layout, the identification of contaminants using on-board testing equipment, subcontractors and/or specialty skillsets required, and the initial plan for the most effective means to efficiently contain/manage the release with the least impact to the environment and customer. On this location, the customer clearly defined the Release and the contaminates (oils). SPUR utilized our testing equipment to ensure there were no other contaminates or other safety concerns prior to starting the Project.

Subcontract Management

Each event may require uniquely skilled labor to ensure efficiency and success on a project and at times, SPUR will require subcontractor assistance. The subcontractor chart below depicts all subcontractors utilized on the project. SPUR will have a minimum of one on-site event Manager from the beginning of the Project until completion who will be responsible for managing the overall coordination of all work, subcontractors, materials management, and schedule. SPUR understands that there are many complexities to managing subcontractors and the integration of uniquely skilled personnel into one cohesive team; therefore, based on our previous experience managing Environmental projects we are confident that our subcontractor management approach will produce effective results.

Commencement of Activities on-site

SPUR began this project by mapping the three (3) samples, taken by SAGE Personnel on the site map. The samples were sent to a 3rd party laboratory for a pre-remediation evaluation by SAGE personnel. Based upon customer provided information and results of our testing equipment, SPUR determined that the most effective method to remediate the Release was using our CATAWATER product.

After customer approval, SPUR utilized the proprietary mixing guidelines to prepare the CATAWATER catalyst application. SPUR utilized two different techniques to apply the product, hand spraying the release where accessible and then by injecting the catalyst application into the moving flow of the release, allowing the catalyst to naturally infuse the release itself.

SPUR only focused on the B-2 area of contamination and all pre/post results are for the 20×20 B2 Area depicted in the Site Map/Sample Locations.