How we’ll help change the world
Have you ever stopped to consider how much it would truly cost to repair all the environmental damage our planet has sustained as we have “progressed?”
Do you know why we have this ongoing merry-go-round dialogue about what to do to fix it? And those conversations ultimately lead to more cans kicked down the road and more money wasted during the verbal melee?
Here’s the real core problem…
WE CAN’T AFFORD IT! Here’s why.
We have gone so far past the point of no return that there is no way to forecast, budget, and/or accrue for the real cost of reversing all the damage done. Not to mention incidents which continue to reoccur without notice, only compounding the problem.
If insurance and bonding companies had to cough up the money all at once to remediate every single environmentally intrusive situation, they would most likely go bankrupt.
If the industries that contribute to harming our environment were forced to implement and adopt clean technologies, then many of the products we all consume would be unaffordable.
Wages couldn’t be raised to compensate for the differences because more revenue would have to be allocated to OPEX and CAPEX to comply with regulation.
Why do you think the push back on programs like the Green New Deal and the Paris Climate Agreement is so staunch? Well, other than the usual inherent schoolyard political reasons? It’s simply that the cost is too great, not enough money has been set aside, and it’s a Catch 22.
Unfortunately, we have reached a precipice where the financial wellbeing of society must be weighed against the cost of saving our planet from potential destruction.
What a paradox! So, right now you’re probably thinking where’s the good news you mentioned?
The good news is that there is a technological solution. It’s organic and is as safe as water.
It is having a substantial and profound impact now that it is fully understood and embraced.
And yes, it is the Catawater® group of technologies. There’s no need for further developmental research to prove technological efficacy. It’s already here.
What’s even better news is this technology has the flexibility to “cost model” out to whatever number it needs to be to make a substantial positive impact in any business where it is applied.
We have quietly deployed our technology in several industries – oil and gas, agriculture, and municipal/industrial wastewater. Productivity has increased and the savings to OPEX/CAPEX ranges anywhere from 50-85% depending on the project.
Savings are passed on in a lot of cases to consumers and workforces because 1) there is surplus revenue and 2) sustainability is created in the processes we improve or, in some cases, eliminate.
And as a bonus, given that it is 100% organic, there is literally no harmful footprint of any kind left behind by our technology.
Commercially successful for years, our proof is in our whitepapers (ALSO KNOWN AS PAID INVOICES ON REPEAT BUSINESS).
Please stay tuned and look for exciting announcements ahead in the coming weeks. Also, please peruse our website at to get more information on this amazing breakthrough technology.
As always, it is our hope that your business flourishes for the benefit of all who depend on it.
Thank you,