The Future is Bright

If you Google the definition of the word fruition you get back “The point at which a plan or project is realized.”

I picked this topic to discuss because it is illustrative of the time and place, we find ourselves in here at the Catawater Group of Companies.

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Years have been spent in the quest to introduce and deliver our technologies to the industries in which we work. Much thought has been put into the plan of implementation. The timing was critical. The need for change and having the patience to wait is finally paying off. It even appears that some world events are driving focus more and more to this groundbreaking technology.

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“That sounds too good to be true” has been replaced by “please send me more” and “can I try that stuff?” Best practices of the past are being replaced by this newer, more cost-effective technology. It is being recognized as a worthy opponent when compared to standard technologies and holds its ground against some of the most widely used methodologies in chemistry.

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We are not alone in this journey. More and more, I see people turning to natural organic alternatives. In Agriculture, for example, 90% of commercial advertising content is for biological-based products. Alternative homeopathic medicine, against the will of so many, is gaining traction as well. Fortunately, some in the medical community have learned how to comingle traditional western medicine and naturopathic options once proven by science and they are having great results with the integrated treatments.

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Perhaps this is just a cycle of innovative technology. The horse and buggy became the automobile. Then travel took to the air. What’s next? Who knows?

My point and my message are this; we here at the Catawater Group of Companies are in the fruition phase of our journey and we are forever grateful to our customers’ clients and associates who helped bring us to this place.

The future is bright!

Take care…


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