Cleaning Up the Energy Sector with Catawater®

Check one more off the list. What “list” do you say? The “What We Are Doing to Clean Up The Energy Sector” list.

Q1 2023 has been busy for the Catawater® Group of Companies, but one vertical certainly took the prize for the most activity: our energy services company.

We are now adding refinery services to the list to add to our current oil and gas sector capabilities in soil remediation, produced water, and solid waste treatment (and maybe even seismicity reduction…time will tell). Finally, we have entered the space where all crude is shipped and processed into usable commodities.

What did we do?

A large national engineering firm we work with contacted us about a legacy solid waste issue at a West Texas refinery. When they asked if we could provide a solution, we answered, “Absolutely!” After meeting with the client, we were awarded the project.

Our team turned a multimillion-dollar liability into recovered hydrocarbon. We also eliminated the ongoing OPEX burden for the refinery. Thirty-one tanks full of slop oil (and who knows what else), which had been sitting around for years, were cleaned up, converted into processable crude, and returned to the system.

As a result, the refinery saved almost 85% versus the cost of traditional handling methods.

This was done with our simple but effective Catawater® organic chemistry without interrupting the refinery’s operations.

As a bonus, we were asked to treat the refinery’s wastewater treatment plant on an ongoing basis, and just recently, they have offered up two more RFPs for other problems we can assist them with.

This latest development sums up our 360-degree approach and ability to clean up the energy sector. From the field to the refinery, from produced water to crude oil, from H2S to air quality, and from safety to sustainability.

We have now demonstrated that most of the steps involved in creating fossil fuel energy can be improved using our organic chemistry AND at a considerable cost reduction while protecting our environment.

This should be good news for everyone who depends on the energy sector in one way or another (which, if you didn’t realize, is ALL OF US). So one day, perhaps the day-to-day rhetoric about how harmful this industry is will cease. Then we can all co-exist happily and drive our cars, fly on airplanes, and drink “something” out of red SOLO cups without feeling guilty.

That’s a real possibility, thanks to our technology.

As always, we thank our clients, customers, shareholders, and cohorts. We wish you the best in your business for you and all who depend on its success.
