- Representatives from our licensed partner Spur Environmental (a Catawater Company) are currently in Kuwait surveying a large $500MM remediation project which has been developing over the last six months. We are extremely excited to support Spur in this endeavor and are proud that they have been selected for the short round of vendor qualifications. More on this project soon.
- On May 11th, we will begin a $650k project for a large refinery in west Texas. We will be remediating tank contents of contaminants, sending water to the treatment system, and returning recovered hydrocarbons to the refinery hence avoiding expensive disposal costs.
- We will be working with recognized scientists over the next 2 months in the produced water recycling industry. We have been asked to be a part of a broad treated water analysis project sponsored by one of the largest players in the midstream water industry. The test data/results will be shared with all interested parties once completed. The goal is to illustrate our ability to contribute to lowering the cost of produced water recycling efforts.
- Our CEO will be in Alberta, Canada, this month meeting with scientists and directors of Alberta Innovates per their request for more information about our technology. While there, he will also be meeting with officials from First Nations to discuss opportunities to clean up oil sands waste and other environmental issues. We are attempting to bring the two groups together to form joint solutions to some of Alberta’s most intrusive and environmentally impactful industries.
- We picked up two new clients in West and South TX and completed remediation projects totaling over $100k.
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